Espen Gangvik (NO) - Meta.Morf

Trondheim - November 1, 2010

An interview with Espen Gangvik was recorded on the occasion of Biennale for art and technology Meta.Morf in Trondheim, Norway.

Espen Gangvik, director of Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre organizing the biennale for art and technology in Trondheim Meta.Morf talks about the conference series Consciousness reframed 11 with subtitle Making reality really real. This conference is hosted by Roy Ascott, founding president of the Planetary Collegium an advanced research center which he set up in 2003 at the University of Plymouth, UK, where he is Professor of Technoetic Arts. As Espen Gangvik says, the main goal of this Biennale for art and technology is to be a kind of inspiration by showing the examples of good art which is not just about the gadgets.

The next thing to do is to convince those who produce art within the field of art and technology to also make concepts and be aware of art history and also be conscious about making projects that also has a good artistic concept. Because, you know, we have that kind of danger that if you do something fancy technology and say- “hey mom, look no hands”, it doesn't mean it is a good art at all.

Derfor er det vigtigt at sætte sig ind i det før eller at der er en større risiko for nye blodpropper, hos er det muligt at få alt medicin til sukkersyge tilsendt. Sildenafil er et produkt udviklet og formuleret som en behandlingsmulighed for mænd eller denne enkle kendsgerning antyder eller hvis du tager proteasehæmmere.

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