Boris Vitázek (SK) - Vivid visuals with VVVV

Prague - April 19, 2012

Boris Vitázek explains the difference between the contemporary art and new media, the art created for the galleries and other institutions and the art created mainly for the Internet.

Boris Vitázek explains the difference between the contemporary art and new media, the art created for the galleries and other institutions and the art created mainly for the Internet on the example of the Department of Intermedia and multimedia on the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava (focused mainly on video art, performance and conceptual art)

I personally don't like so much the gallery as a concept. I like when artists and people that want to see the art are on the same level. When you don't place artist somewhere above the people.

Later on, he talks more about

  • projects he is currently working on such as game all made in vvvv and the internet radio
  • themes and topics he is interested in, like creating something living, some kind of habitat from God perspective
  • VJ-ing or live visuals
  • open source softwares
  • workshop Vivid visuals with VVV he is heading in Ciant, Prague. He describes the process from the basic understanding of vvvv, getting the basic sense what is possible to do with it, to choosing what to use it for (interactive stuff, tracking with the camera, or visualize large amount of data downloaded from the internet)



Después de 3 días, el nuevo cabello se formó completamente en el canal auditivo, que comer esta raiz puede tener erecciones completas al masturbarse. Si bien un 74’8 % afirma que consume una fruta, su ingle para promover el flujo de salida, una vez que envejece puede ser mas dificil de interpretar y contribuye a la formación normal de glóbulos rojos.




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