THE DIGITAL NOW – Look up in the sky! - mini symposium

Rue Ravensteinstraat 23, Brussels - April 16, 2013

                    On April 16th, Look, up in the sky! a mini-symposium with Honor Harger (art director Lighthouse, […]












On April 16th, Look, up in the sky! a mini-symposium with Honor Harger (art director Lighthouse, Brighton) and James Bridle (artist, publisher and technologist)) on art and drones in the age of ubiquitous technology will be held at BOZAR – Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels. The symposium’s debate will be opened by Bram Crevits, curator of the exhibition ‘Drones/Birds : Princes of Ubiquity’, and moderated by Michel van Dartel (V2_Institute for unstable Media).

The first series of The Digital Now, entitled ‘Drones / Birds: Princes of Ubiquity’, is inspired by the way birds are reflecting our contemporary relation with technology. For this, inspiration is drawn from the New Aesthetic with a focus on the ways we experience our digital condition: always on, always there. Drones or UAV’s (Unmanned Arial Vehicles) have been related to this New Aesthetic debate ever since it started. The New Aesthetic has been a remarkable and often intense debate for about two years now, spread across platforms, groups, scenes, blogs, catalogues, sprint-books and festivals in off- and online worlds.

‘Drones / Birds: Princes of Ubiquity’ taps into the debate of an increasing autonomous technology, connected to a machinic vision, the post-human and the New Aesthetic. Core to the exhibition are digital artifacts and instances of the computational or digital in nature.

The exhibition is curated by Bram Crevits (BE) and will present work by internationally acclaimed artists such as David Bowen (US), Theo Burt (UK), Paolo Cirio (IT),  Marcus Coates (UK),Christoph De Boeck & Patricia Portela (BE/PT), Dries Depoorter (BE), HC Gilje (NO), Esther Polak & Ivar van Bekkum (NL), Erica Scourti (GR), Addie Wagenknecht (US) and Zimoun (CH).


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