Amelia Andersdotter (se) - Paraflows 7 // Modern democracy for the European Union


Post-democracy is the state wherein which much political power and many le- gislative, including interpretative, competences are moved away from […]

Post-democracy is the state wherein which much political power and many le-
gislative, including interpretative, competences are moved away from directly
elected representatives of the people, to a global level where diplomatic repre-
sentatives of representatives of governments make very detailed requirements
on how the legislation in the signatory states of the trade agreements should
look and behave. Coupled with the development of trade agreement conflict
resolution systems, such as arbitration courts to resolve disputes between the
contracting parties, which give indicating guidelines not only on how the parties
have conformed with obligations relation to gradual reduction of tariffs, but also
on the nature of legislative or administrative measures permitted in the signa-
tory states, this poses a significant democratic deficit. The writing and the inter-
pretation of law, effectively, reside outside of the parliamentary system and
much power is transferred to the executive of each nation.

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