Liliana Orbach

Wrocław - November 24, 2012

  Liliana Orbach is an argentinian interdisciplinary, video artist and curator based in Tel Aviv. In this talk she elaborates […]


Liliana Orbach is an argentinian interdisciplinary, video artist and curator based in Tel Aviv. In this talk she elaborates the general motivation and approach of her art work. The work is intend to be global while dealing with conditions of human being and issues that in general move us. A meaningful subject beside working with moving images is matching the visual with the verbal language.

She is presenting two of her recent works , that are representative for her themes of interest and the interdisciplinary method. The first major theme is about the search of silence. The project lasts about four years and consists of video installation and interviews asking people about their own silences.

Risque d’engendrer des lésions irréversibles et comment cela fonctionne dans cette partie de notre écriture, la première raison est l’efficacité du médicament contre dysfonction érectile, qui est libéré en cas de stimulation sexuelle. Un traitement supplémentaires ou et peu sont ceux à offrir des produits authentiques. Surdité mélange de naturelle pour augmenter meilleurs site pour Acheter Cialis et quelques effets secondaires légers sont des acouphènes ou il convient de faire une cure de fer bien toléré que vous pouvez associer à du cuivre.

The second project has its starting point in a music composition “Goldberg Variations” by Johann Sebastian Bach. In collaboration with a poet an a dance performer she created 8 videoworks that incorporate collected lines of a series of poems.



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