Antoni Abad (ES) - A Communal Webcasting Device / Collective Process

Prague - April 6, 2013

Antoni Abad presents numerous projects with different communities developed by within Catch Forum 2013 at 6th International art – sci – tech biennale Enter 6: Biopolis in Prague, Czech Republic.

Since 2004, has been inviting groups of people marginalized within society to express their experiences and opinions. Using mobile phones to create audio recordings, videos and images that are immediately published to the Web, participants transform these devices into digital megaphones, amplifying the voices of individuals and groups who are often overlooked or misrepresented in the mainstream media. has developed thirteen projects with different communities: Taxi drivers from Mexico City 2004, young gypsies in Lleida and León (Spain 2005), prostitutes in Madrid 2005, Nicaraguan immigrants in Costa Rica 2006, motorcycle messengers (motoboys) in Sao Paolo 2007, displaced and demobilized people in Colombia 2009, young Sahrawi refugees in the Algerian Sahara 2009 and immigrants in Queens, New York 2011.

Three projects were developed with people with limited mobility in Barcelona 2006, Geneva 2008 and Montreal 2012, and another one in Barcelona 2010 with blind and visually impaired participants. In these projects, participants take photographs with GPS mobile phones to document the barriers that they encounter in the streets, as well as examples of good accessibility. These photos are geo-located on maps that are populated with their user-generated content. Obstacles are identified by tags which represent the themes that the participants have identified as most significant. The project visualizes the patterns of systemic discrimination against people with disabilities and physical impairments that have become rooted in the urban landscape. It denounces this lack of access and challenges political indifference to this vital issue.

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