What is ArtistTalk?

ArtistTalk.eu is an educational and archive platform based on open source and free distribution of ideas and knowledge. It is an online platform for video recordings of lectures, interviews, discussions by artists, curators, theorists and others working in the field of art, artivism and theory.

How did ArtisTalk start?

ArtistTalk.eu started as an initiative by  MoTA in collaboration with two contemporary art and new media centers from Eastern and central Europe (CIANT Prague and WRO Wroclaw) to establish a platform for networking, education and exchange between new media and experimental art organisations on a European level. With focus on the importance of education in new media and contemporary art practices, the ArtistTalk.eu platform gives artists and cultural workers the opportunity to disseminate their knowledge and ideas, increase their visibility and enhance understanding of contemporary and new media art. We also wanted to establish an online container for educational events organized in art institutions across Europe and provide free access to them.

What is a series?

A series is a group of videos related by content. There are many types of series, for example curated series, where ArtistTalk invited curators to form a series of interviews on a certain topic or art field; or event related series, such as Berlin Documentary Forum 2, Sonar Festival 2012 etc.

Who selects the artists presented on ArtistTalk page?

ArtistTalk works with many organisations active in culture and art, which share recordings of their educational events at ArtistTalk platform. Apart from this, ArtistTalk works with a team of curators and specialists who select artists presented.

Can I present my work at ArtistTalk?

If you have video recordings that you think would fit the purpose of the website, feel free to contact us at artisttalk.eu(at)gmail.com.

I run an organisation, which organises talks. Can we publish them on ArtistTalk?

We highly encourage organisations to publish their recordings and archives on ArtistTalk. If you are interested in sharing your channel through our platform, please contact us at artisttalk.eu(at)gmail.com. Read more details here!

Who are the authors of these videos?

ArtistTalk works with a series of specialists from different fields – recording teams, journalists, artists, curators, depending on the type of content we would like to provide. Apart from producing our own portraits, interviews, reviews etc, we also provide space and visibility for other art organisations, who can show their recordings at our online platform.