Ljubljana - September 27, 2015

CHARLEMAGNE PALESTINE: ArtistTalk Sunday, 27 September 2015 at 11am MoTA Point, Gosposvetska 12, Ljubljana ArtistTalk with the legendary composer Charlemagne […]

Sunday, 27 September 2015 at 11am
MoTA Point, Gosposvetska 12, Ljubljana

ArtistTalk with the legendary composer Charlemagne Palestine about his work and a screening of his early video works on the border of performance, ritual and intense audiovisual experience.

In the seventies, Charlemagne Palestine recorded a series of videos through which he explored his music and performed he limitis of his psychologic and physical capabilities. In them, we are witnessing particular rituals and delicate but simoultaneously raw sound and spatial studies. In their center is Charlemagne’s body in the limits of voice and movement and sometimes bordering violence. Palestine weighs the resonance of his body into the resonance of space. This space becomes a field of intense forces pulsating from the image, which is understood as an extension or as a part of his own body. Through rituals, chants, tones and rapid movement, these forces merge into radical psychological states and are revealed to us through the image. Sometimes Charlemagne’s view is also ours, and sometimes it speaks to us directly. We become both visitors and participants. At the same time, he enters our bodies through sharp sounds and leads us into his world of beauty, anxiety and pain.

Body Music I, 1973-74, 12:54 min
Dark Into Dark, 1979, 19:28 min
Ritual In The Emptyness, 2001, 12:04 min




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